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Deal Together

Moving With   Purpose!

Our Story


"Deal Together" is a compassionate non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals facing the physical challenges of cancer and other illnesses. Our primary focus is on assisting with yard work, recognizing that many individuals undergoing treatment or managing health conditions may struggle with these tasks despite their ability and desire to do so.


At "Deal Together," we believe in the healing power of nature and the importance of maintaining a welcoming outdoor space. By providing practical support with yard work, such as mowing lawns, tending to gardens, and maintaining outdoor areas, we aim to uplift spirits and ease the burden for those navigating health challenges.

Through our community of volunteers and supporters, we strive to create a network of care and compassion, ensuring that no one faces these challenges alone. "Deal Together" is committed to fostering a sense of community, hope, and dignity for individuals and families affected by illness, one yard at a time.

Dina's Story

"Deal Together" was inspired by

Dina Deal, who experienced

firsthand the physical challenges

individuals with cancer and other

illnesses endure. Dina's vision for

the organization was tragically

cut short by her untimely death.

"Deal Together" operates in her

honor, carrying forward her

compassion and dedication to supporting those in need.


" Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26)


Living with cancer/medical condition

At the present time our focus is to help those living with cancer or an illness.

Currently living at residence

Those receiving service must currently reside at residence. Can't be the homeowner and reside somewhere else.

Live in Cleveland or within 20 miles

Unfortunately our network of volunteers isn't large enough to service those in need out side of our service area. Check back in the future for updates or changes.

Register Here

 Register Here 

Register For Deal Together Here!
Service Needed
Eligiblity Requirements
Approxamate size of yard in feet?

Thanks for registering. Someone Will Be In Touch Soon!

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